Herd Sires
Ertel Cattle selects herd sires with calving ease, growth, and carcass merit to improve growth, docility, calving ease, hybrid vigor and stayability. Semen is available, contact us for more details.
JKGF Civil War E92
AMGV1386499 Civil War is the number 3 most used Balancer Sire in the Gelbvieh breed in 2022. He was the top selling bull in the 2018 Genetic Power Bull sale. He shattered performance records for J&K Farms with an 844 pound 205 day weight, 1,463 365 day weight including a 68 pound birth weight. His elite EPD profile features top 25% calving ease direct with top 15% (or better) rankings for weaning weight, yearling weight, docility, total maternal, carcass weight, marbling, average daily gain, efficiency profit index, and feeder profit index EPDs. In addition, the following EPDs are in the top 30% (or better) rankings for milk, calving ease maternal, heifer pregnancy, 30-month pregnancy, stayability, ribeye area, $Cow, residual feed intake, Civil War is homozygous black, homozygous polled, and diluter free. Semen available.
ERTL 106J Mr Warrier
AMGV1522841 Mr Warrier is a Civil War E92 son ranking in the top 30% CED, 35% BW, 5% WW, 2% YW and 1% Marbling. He adds pounds and marbling, while maintaining calving ease and low birth weights.
Panther CR Dually 0262
Dually 0262 recorded the #1 highest WW EPD, #1 highest YW EPD and #2 highest $W value in the Panther Creek offering, ranking in the top 1%. Looking for maternal females, his dam’s production record YR8@109, calving interval 8@364 days. This deep bodied sire ranks in the top 35% for CED, 20% for BW, 1% WW, 2% YW, ad 25% for Marbling.
Panther Cr Optics 2904
Top selling bull from Panther Creek Ranch 2023 Sale. AAA 20285476 Panther Cr Optics 2904 - This bull has muscle shape and great expression out of his hip and over his top. Good fronted and masculine with a sound stature and fluid stride. EPD Profile is outstanding! • Top 5% $C, 10% $B, 1% $W, 10% CW, 20% Marb, 10% RE • Top 4% YW and YW Ratio 114, • Top 3% WW and WW Ratio 106 • Top 1 % Doc • 3rd Highest $C in the Sale Offering • Heifer Bull • Check out the spread from birth wt of 75 to Adj. 365 of 1391.
DCSF Post Rock Easy Upgrade 83J2
AMGV1520361 100% Purebred Gelbvieh bull, homozygous polled, homozygous black, DLW TPG Frontrunner 2510F Son. Top 10% for WW, 3% YW, 15% Marbling. His dam is out of Post Rock Astronaut's dam.
ERTL H21 Mr Texplay F21
AMGV1472853 H21 is a curve bender, with top 30% for CED, BW, top 2% WW, 3% YW, 10% MB, 1% FPI.
DBRG Mr Twister 7195E ET
AMGV1390654 100% Purebred Gelbvieh sire that adds growth and profitability. Top 30% CED, BW, WW, 25% YW, CEM, HP, SC, 10% YG, RFI. Twister progeny will add docility and pounds to your calves.
ERTL 067H Mr Twister Ferdinand
AMGV1477312 Highest selling Balancer at 2021 Genetic Power Bull Sale. Top 35% CED, 30% BW, 20% WW, 25% YW, 10% Milk, 25% FPI. Semen available, contact Ginger Ertel or Cattle Visions.
JKGF Black Baron D126 ET
AMGV1357986 JKGF D126 Black Baron is a homo black, homo polled Musgrave Aviator son out of the famed KCF Miss Fortune U490 female, that has a top 20% BW & CEM, 2% ST, 10% YG, REA, 15% for FT, and 4% $Cow. This cowmaker’s progeny have a 105 weaning ratio, and his dam’s progeny have an average weaning ratio of 106, yearling ratio of 105. Black Baron D126 is a maternal brother to 3 of the top AI sires in the Gelbvieh breed over the past 5 years, JKGF Chief Justice C205, JKGF New Horizon C51 and JKGF Final Frontier C95. 4 maternal sisters to Black Baron are donor females in progressive feedstock programs as well. Semen Available.
ERTL Niagra 30G4 ET
AMGV1456217 30G4 Niagra is a 50% Balancer ET Bull by the CCRO 2330Z Donor Dam purchased from C=Cross Cattle of North Carolina. He will add pounds and carcass. Ranks in top 20% WW, 15% YW, and 10% HP, MB, FPI.
ERTL 107J Mr 30G4 Leverage 807
AMGV1505872 is a stout, big footed 30G4 son with 1527 lb 365 day weight and 1725 lb 18 month actual weight. Ranking top 1% for WW, YW, TM, top 2% CW, FPI, 10% Marbling. He will add pounds and carcass merit to your calves.